

CryoGas International (CryoGas): Alan, thank you for agreeing to discuss Linde’s Merchant and Packaged Gas Business with us. Can you tell us what your business unit includes and its functions within Linde’s worldwide industrial gas markets and regions. Alan Watkins (Watkins): First,...

Key Considerations in Safe and Efficient Gas Delivery

Supplying high-purity carrier, support, process, or calibration gases safely and cost efficiently, without compromising purity and sample integrity, is best accomplished with a gas sampling and control system having components compatible with the sample and conditions required for the specific application.

Failure Is Not an Option!

“On March 11, 1968, a NASA subcontractor shipped a cryogenic oxygen tank to a California assembly plant, where it was installed into a spacecraft for an upcoming mission,” wrote author Norman Augustine.


Developing solutions that are both innovative and sustainable is nothing new for this 107-year-old company. Air Liquide has long worked to develop technologies and sustainable solutions that optimize the use of air and the planet’s natural resources, while...

Praxair Distribution Inc.

Praxair Distribution, Inc. (PDI) revenues have almost doubled since 2001, the result of both organic growth and acquisitions. A subsidiary of North America’s largest industrial gas supplier, Praxair, Inc., PDI is a major packaged-gases player in the US and Canada, with...

A Look at the Year Ahead

AIR LIQUIDE  The long-term nature of Air Liquide’s investment cycle and customer contracts, its strong portfolio of projects, the diversity of the industries supplied across 75 countries, and a solid balance sheet continue to provide the basis for a resilient outlook...

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