

Exporter Beware!

If you’re exporting goods from the US you must be fully aware of export laws to avoid hefty fines or even time behind bars, cautions Tom Vreeland.

M&A: A view from within

The competitive landscape of the US industrial gas business has changed considerably over the last decade. In 2001, there was still a plethora of independent distributors and producers, ranging in size from small, local, one...

An introduction to… MicroBulk

In today’s economy, most market sectors have been challenging and business professionals need ways to profitably grow their business. A MicroBulk system enables industrial gas distributors (from the independent to the international gas companies) to...

Air separation units (ASU’s) are integral to the production of all industrial gases such as argon, oxygen and nitrogen by separating air into their constituent components, as our equipment profile this month explains.

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