
Digital Wave completes 7th cylinder retest centre


Digital Wave Corporation (DWC) has completed its seventh on-site cylinder retest centre. The new unit is based at the Apria Healthcare facility in Indianapolis.
This month has witnessed the completion of Digital Wave Corporation’s (DWC) Ultrasonic Examination (UE) requalification test centre. The new centre is situated in an Apria Healthcare site at the Apria Indianapolis facility. DWC and Apria entered into the Co-Location partnership where DWC provides for the UE requalification services of all Apria cylinders at their respective sites. According to the agreement, DWC will also supply the UE machines, labour and expertise required for on-site cylinder maintenance.
Peter LaBerge, Area Director of Distribution for Apria Healthcare, pointed out the cost benefits of the new alliance, he remarked, “We have been very satisfied with the Co-Location model as provided by Digital Wave. With the opening of the final Co-Lo in Indianapolis, Digital Wave now requalifies all Apria Healthcare cylinders in the continental USA.”
He continued, “These requalifications were previously outsourced by Apria to more than eight third-party providers in the past. Bringing these DWC services in-house has provided major cost savings to Apria Healthcare nationwide on multiple levels.”
Mark E Anderson, Director of Sales and Marketing for DWC, reflected LaBerge’s enthusiasm. He said, “Minimised costs, fast turnaround and quality work is what our customers are looking for. Digital Wave is providing this at our customer’s sites via our new program called the ‘Co-Location Model’. This program provides for all functions needed to have a modern on-site UE cylinder maintenance department at zero customer upfront cost.”
Digital Wave Corporation is a privately held manufacturer of ultrasonic examination (UE) cylinder testing equipment, modal acoustic emission (AE) testing equipment and a provider of associated inspection services.

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