
Earnings and profit up for Air Water


Air Water has witnessed a rise in earnings and profit over the last fiscal quarter that even exceeds results obtained prior to the financial crisis.
The company recently announced its latest financial quarter report, in which the company exhibited a 39.4% increase in net profit. A detailed breakdown depicts encouraging results all round. Sales were up by 13.2%, operating profit had increased by 15.4%, while ordinary profit has climbed to 26.7% above last year’s similar quarter. Not only did this represent year-on-year growth, but the figures managed to exceed fiscal results from before 2008’s financial crisis.
In particular, Air Water’s onsite facilities for steel and glass production have progressed well. Meanwhile, the electronics sector has benefited from ongoing production of semiconductors and FPDs. Looking towards the future, Air Water anticipates further growth in sales to 7.9%, amounting to ¥460bn. Similarly, operating profit is expected to rise by 4.6%, to ¥29.5bn, with ordinary profit increasing slightly slower, by 3.4%. Consequently, estimations place net profit for the entire term at ¥15bn, which equates to a 7.8% growth.

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