

Denver to Host Worldwide Welding Event

Want to get involved in welding on a global level? Then you should know about a major international event in the world of welding that will be coming to the United States this summer. The International Institute of Welding (IIW)...

Change Is Good—The 2011 Carbon Dioxide Report

The carbon dioxide (CO2) industry is a complex one. Some companies within the industry both produce and distribute CO2, others buy crude and process it, while others are strictly distributors. The CO2 itself is delivered as crude, gas, liquid, and...

Cheap natural gas is a big topic of discussion, particularly in the US. Serious consideration is being given to natural gas as a transportation fuel. GE (www.ge.com) and Chesapeake Energy Corporation (www.chk.com), two heavyweights in the energy arena, recently announced plans...

The Fracking Fracas

According to recent academic and government agency studies, the United States has at least a 100-year domestic supply of natural gas. Liberating that gas is now economically possible thanks in part to continued developments with hydraulic fracturing, aka, “fracking.” In the...

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