
Nel ASA receives order for two hydrogen stations in Germany


Nel ASA division Nel Hydrogen Solutions has received a purchase order from H2 Mobility Deutschland for hydrogen (H2) equipment to build two H2Station® fuelling stations in Germany.

The purchase order has a total value of approximately €2m ($2.3m), and the H2Station fuelling stations are planned for installation in Germany medio 2019.

“We are very pleased to receive a repeat order from H2 Mobility for expanding the H2 network in Germany. This is a testament to the performance of our H2 fuelling solutions, and we are happy to be a part of the so far largest H2 infrastructure project in Europe,” said Jon André Løkke, CEO of Nel.

The stations in Germany adds to the growing H2 fuelling network currently being deployed by H2 Mobility Deutschland, which is a joint venture between six industrial companies – Air Liquide, Daimler, Linde, OMV, Shell and Total. The action plan for H2 Mobility is to establish a Germany-wide network with close to 50 stations in operation by end 2018 and about 50 additional to be deployed by 2020.

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