
CCS is a competitive emissions abatement tool, study finds


Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a competitive power sector emissions abatement tool when compared to other low-carbon technologies, a new study has found.

The Costs of CCS and Other Low-Carbon Technologies, released recently by the Global CCS Institute, finds that hydropower and onshore wind are among the least-cost technologies for reducing emissions from the power sector.

“Once these ‘low hanging fruit’ options are exploited, and in countries where these technologies are not an option, CCS becomes a very competitive option,” said Barry Jones, General Manager for Policy and Membership at the Institute.

“CCS is in fact a very important part of a broader portfolio approach to addressing climate change,” he said. “The technology’s role in a global clean energy future cannot be underestimated, given that CCS can reduce emissions from power plants by as much as 90%.”

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