
Food processing: technology improves quality


A new ‘soft chill’ means of using liquid nitrogen to control the temperature of foods while they are being processed will improve quality, says Air Products.

The company believes this is possible even when used with the most heat-sensitive or reactive foods – and has further developed its own Freshline® LIN-IS (Liquid Nitrogen Injection Solution) as a result.

As an effective refrigerant, liquid nitrogen has long been used to help control the temperature of a wide range of food products while they are being processed. The liquid nitrogen is usually injected into the bottom of the food mix at intervals in order to keep it cool and its temperature is regulated.

For some heat-sensitive or reactive food products, however, such as dough, Air Products has found that temperature control can be significantly improved by vaporising liquid nitrogen over the top of the mix – as well as injecting it into the mix itself.

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