
Start-up of Praxair packaged gas plant


Praxair, Inc. has today announced the start-up of a new packaged gas fill plant in Bismarck, North Dakota, significantly increasing its cylinder gases capacity in the Bakken shale oil formation region.

The news comes in the same week that Praxair confirmed start-up of its new 600 tons per day air separation unit in Memphis, Tennessee.

The new packaged gas fill plant in North Dakota comes at an interesting time for industrial gas demand in the US Midwest, with the shale oil ad gas revolution increasing consumption of merchant liquid nitrogen, for example; fellow gases company MATHESON has been positioning itself to cater for such demand in the region and recently completed construction of a new ASU in Dickinson, North Dakota.

The Bakken shale oil formation is located in Western North Dakota and Eastern Montana, as well as the Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. According to the US Energy Information Administration, estimated crude oil production in the Bakken region of North Dakota and Montana shows total wellhead output of over one million barrels of oil per day – which would rank North Dakota second only to Texas in oil production.

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