
Prospects of hydrocarbon exploration in the depths of Russia – An analysis


Further to our Central Europe analysis this month and ahead of our focus on the CIS gas markets next month, we provide an analysis of an altogether different kind. Here, we explore the prospects of hydrocarbon exploration in Russia, courtesy of SPC Geoneftegaz’s Vadim Chernov.

With the emphasis very much on Eastern Europe of late, in the run-up to gasworld’s East Europe Conference 2010 next month (21st & 22nd May), it’s an ideal time to explore the region’s potential – in more ways than one. Industrial gas prospects are one thing, and the often linked hydrocarbon potential is quite another.

Derived from its analysis of materials in the southern Trans Urals, SPC Geoneftegaz encourages participation in the oil field development projects of the Kurgan region.

We all understand that hydrocarbons are one of the strategically important elements in our lives, and that their output often determines the course of economies, the environment and energy. But is it more environmentally friendly and energy efficient to produce hydrocarbons on land or by sea?

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