
Robert Flexon represents Foster Wheeler at transatlantic conference


Foster Wheeler AG, announced that its Chief Executive Officer, Robert C Flexon, is to address delegates at the Natixis 7th Annual Transatlantic Oil Services Conference.
The event is scheduled to occur at 9.45 am (Central European Daylight Saving Time) on Monday 20th September in Paris. The company encourages investors and interested parties who cannot attend to view presentation slides via the Investor Relations Presentations section of Foster Wheeler’s website. The slides will go live as the conference begins and will be available to access for 30 days after the presentation date.
The conference is being hosted by Natixis, the corporate, investment and financial services arm of Group. It constitutes the second largest banking player in France boasting 22% of total bank deposits and 37m clients spread over the BPCE networks.
Meanwhile, Foster Wheeler AG is a global engineering and construction contractor and power equipment supplier delivering technically strong facilities and equipment. The Group’s headquarters and historical base are respectively situated in Geneva and Zug, Switzerland.
Foster Wheeler’s website: www.fwc.com

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