
SARTA takes programme to schools


Stark Area Regional Transit Authority (SARTA) will bring its new “Fuelling Our Future” energy education programme to middle schools across Northeast Ohio in December.

Developed in conjunction with the Renewable Hydrogen Fuel Cell Collaborative (RHFCC) and the Centre for Transport and the Environment (CTE), Fuelling Our Future’s multi-faceted curriculum is designed to introduce seventh graders to alternative fuels, the environmental impact of clean technologies, and the career opportunities that will be created as the demand for renewable energy grows in the years ahead.

SARTA has received numerous awards for its clean energy initiatives which include the acquisition and deployment of one of the world’s largest fleets of hydrogen fuel powered-buses.

The programme is being funded by grants from the Federal Transportation Administration and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency educational outreach programme. Columbus State Community College is leading development of Fuelling Our Future’s curriculum.

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