
Shell, Baker Hughes partner to hasten energy transition


Shell Global Solutions BV (Shell) has signed a deal with energy technology company Baker Hughes that will see both partners pushing forward with a range of projects to accelerate the energy transition.

As part of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Shell will provide Baker Hughes US facilities with power and renewable energy credits for a two-year period, in addition to negotiating renewable power supply up to 100 GWh (Gigawatt hours) for Baker Hughes European sites and solar solution developments for the company’s Singapore plant.

The venture will also support both companies’ net zero emission ambitions, with Shell providing the US company with low-carbon transportation and fuel solutions and Baker Hughes to provide Shell with technology upgrades and compressor re-bundles.

The partnership is seen as an effective way to achieve net zero goals, according to Lorenzo Simonelli, Chairman, CEO, Baker Hughes, who said, “The urgency around the energy transition to meet Paris Agreement goals requires collaboration to accelerate actionable steps to reduce emissions in various ways.”

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