
Avanti Helium signs midstream agreement with IACX


Avanti Helium has signed a binding midstream agreement with IACX Resources Montana, a subsidiary of IACX Energy, to build, finance, and operate a helium recovery plant to process raw gas from Avanti’s Sweetgrass helium pool.

The helium exploration, development, and production company today (27th July) said it hopes that initial components for the plant will be delivered to the site in Q4 2023, with initial production expected in Q1 2024.

Once operational, the plant is expected to initially process 10 million cubic feet of raw gas a day, with an option to increase production to 15 million cubic feet a day.

Chris Bakker, CEO of Avanti Helium, said that having IACX construct and operate the plant de-risks execution for Avanti.

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