
Ballard receives follow-on order for next stage in development of non precious metal catalyst-based fuel cells for material handling


Ballard Power Systems has received a follow-on purchase order from environmental and energy company Nisshinbo Holdings to progress a previously announced Technology Solutions programme to then next stage.

The Technology Solutions work resulted in the incorporation of Nisshinbo’s Non Precious Metal Catalyst (NPMC) into the world’s first NPMC-based proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell product, the 30 watt FCgen®-1040 fuel cell stack.

A subsequent Technology Solutions programme was announced in September to assess the potential for development of NPMC-based fuel cell stacks for use in commercial material handling applications. Blue chip brands such as Walmart and Amazon have demonstrated the strong value proposition offered by current fuel cell-powered forklift trucks operating in high-throughput distribution centers.

With successful completion of the assessment, the next stage announced yesterday will focus on certain performance and power density enhancements to support development of low cost NPMC-based fuel cell stacks for material handling applications.

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