It is recognised that fossil fuels will continue to be used for the foreseeable future and seen as imperative that cost-effective solutions are established for future zero emission technologies.
Here in this Focus Feature, we take a brief look at a case study of industrial gas involvement in this field, as Linde describes projects in the Netherlands & Germany.
Linde has a wealth of experience in the cost-efficient supply of CO2 for climate and eco-friendly CO2 recycling applications. The OCAP project (Organic CO2 for Assimilation by Plants) in the Netherlands is one such project.
Since mid-2005, Linde, in partnership Shell and VolkerWessels, has been capturing the carbon dioxide generated as flue gas from Shell’s refinery in Pernis, near Rotterdam and transports it 85km to Amsterdam via a disused oil pipeline – thereby reducing the amount of CO2 exhausted into the atmosphere by approximately 170,000 tonnes annually.
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