The alleged cartel affected industrial and medical customers that use gases for their processes
The alleged cartel affected industrial and medical customers that use gases for their processes

Chile competition body files $31m lawsuit


Chile’s national competition authority Fiscalía Nacional Económica (FNE) is suing Indura (Indura), Linde Gas Chile (Linde) and three unnamed individuals, accusing them of running a cartel in the industrial, medical and specialty gas market.

In a statement, FNE states the irregularities occurred between November 2019 and January 2021. FNE is seeking a $31.2m fine for Indura and $114,000 fine for its general manager.

“The lawsuit indicates that both companies engaged in a market sharing cartel through an agreement not to compete for each other’s customers,” it stated.

This alleged cartel affected industrial and medical customers that use gases for their processes, involving a wide range of sectors, such as metallurgical, pulp and paper production, forestry, construction, aquaculture, food, laboratories, mining, oil refinery, steel, glass manufacturing and hospitals, among others, according to the statement.

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