News has emerged from Ras Laffan in Qatar, where the Chiyoda Corporation’s subsidiary Chiyoda Almana Engineering LLC (CAEL) and the RasGas Company Ltd. have concluded an LNG partnership contract valued at around $300m
The agreement caters for long-term engineering, procurement, construction management (EPCm) services for small to medium sized projects.
Under the contract, CAEL will provide EPCm services as a long-term partner for a total of seven LNG plants and two large-size gas processing plants, as well as other facilities owned by RasGas.
The LNG plants include two mega-sized LNG plants with 7.8 million tonnes per year (8.6 million tons/year) each, and a large-sized gas processing plant which is now under construction by Chiyoda and Technip (France) Joint Venture in Ras Laffan, Qatar.
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