In a region where the onsite gas business is currently under-developed, Russia’s JSC Cryogenmash has reported a real breakthrough in the country’s industrial gas market.
As part of a long-term agreement with the Seversky pipe production factory (TMK), Cryogenmash has put an air separation unit (ASU) in operation at the customer’s site.
The deal represents the first onsite project developed by a Russian company for technical gases production at the customer’s site. It’s news that also comes at a time when opportunities exist for the industrial gas community to develop the onsite business in Eastern Europe.
The contract for delivery of air separation products for metallurgical facilities support ensures that Cryogenmash, at its own cost and expense, will build the ASU and later operate it – supplying the required amount of technical gases such as oxygen, nitrogen and argon to cover the needs of the factory in Polevskoi town.
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