
E-fuels “a perfect fit” with green hydrogen, says Infinium CEO


The case for e-fuels as a great fit for green hydrogen is now reality, with the world’s first commercial scale e-fuels plant now operational.

The point was made by Robert Schuetzle, the CEO of e-fuels pioneer Infinium, when interviewed by gasworld, with the full interview due to be published in the June edition of gasworld US magazine.

“At Infinium … we create something mainstream and easy to move around and sell – a fungible fuel – but we can do this remotely and with excellent green credentials. That’s what’s so compelling,” he said.

Schuetzle said that every Infinium facility – there are a dozen in progress around the world – needs certain things in place to be viable, including ready sources of CO2 and renewable energy, but once it has sourced those the rest takes care of itself, and it can get on with producing its highly adaptable and saleable end-products – eSAF, e-diesel and e-naphtha – which have some real advantages against other uses for green hydrogen when it comes to usability and transportability.

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