A 12% DME/LPG blend has been deemed safe and can be immediately blended
A 12% DME/LPG blend has been deemed safe and can be immediately blended

Europe starts DME and LPG blend home heating trial


Dimeta is partnering with Delft University of Technology and The Green Village to trial the use of dimethyl ether (DME) with an LPG blend in home heating for the first time in Europe.

Renewable DME is a sustainable and clean fuel, used extensively in the chemical industry and as an aerosol propellant – and its application may negate costly retrofits or new appliances.

Extensive research and laboratory testing undertaken by Dimeta and various trade associations concluded that a 12% DME/LPG blend is safe and can be immediately blended without modification to infrastructure and equipment. However, it has yet to be trialled in a real-world home heating environment in Europe.

Located at Delft University of Technology’s The Green Village, this trial led by Dimeta will serve as a testing ground for a sustainable heating option for people in Europe living in off-grid, hard-to-decarbonise homes. The home will receive heat and hot water from a DME/LPG blend, using an off-the-shelf LPG boiler and cylinders.

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