
Exclusive: Inside TES’s ambitious plan to catalyse the energy transition with e-NG


Tree Energy Solutions (TES) is on a mission to drive the green transition and accelerate full global decarbonisation. Electric natural gas, e-NG for short, is a large part of this mission, and it hopes to generate one million tonnes of the product per annum by 2030.

What exactly is eNG? It’s a synthetic, ultra-low-carbon natural gas produced by combining renewable hydrogen and recycled CO2 through methanation. One of the major perks of e-NG is that it uses mature, proven technologies. No major upgrades are required, and the infrastructure, ships, pipes, and factories can all remain the same.

In light of the gasworld’s upcoming CO2 Summit, the CO2 utilisation in e-NG is of high interest here. TES says to think of the CO2 it uses to create e-NG like old-fashioned milk bottles that are dropped off at your door and collected again once you are done. TESy uses CO2 to carry and deliver the green hydrogen, and once its customers are finished, it recycles it within the company system.

Here, in this exclusive interview, TES’ Director of Climate Solutions, Tyler Cole, tells us all about e-NG and its benefits and gives a tease of his upcoming presentation in Nashville that will focus on CO2 utilisation and 45Q.

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