
Fortescue unveils ‘world-leading’ electrolyser manufacturing facility in Australia


Energy firm Fortescue has announced the official inauguration of its cutting-edge electrolyser manufacturing facility located in Gladstone, Queensland, Australia. The facility, spanning 15,000 square metres, stands out as one of the pioneering sites worldwide to incorporate an automated assembly line, says the company.

Constructed and fully operational within a timeframe of just over two years, the advanced manufacturing hub is capable of producing over two gigawatts (GW) of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyser stacks annually.

Dr. Andrew Forrest AO, Executive Chair and Founder at Fortescue, said, “We are grateful for the Queensland and Federal Government’s vision and early support to help get us started,” adding, “Together we have laid the cornerstone for what will be a massive new manufacturing industry in Australia creating the potential for thousands of new green energy jobs.”

Mark Hutchinson, CEO of Fortescue Energy, emphasised the strategic significance of the Gladstone facility, which designs electrolysers in-house by Fortescue teams across Australia and the United States. He also underscored the escalating demand for green hydrogen and its production equipment amid the global push for decarbonisation.

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