
Green Energy opens new facility Fairfield


Green Energy is one of the first providers in the industry to provide fluid management services, including fluid transportation, storage, and disposal through the utilisation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) powered trucks.

This is a revolutionary and proven technology that can offer significant cost savings – approximately $2 per gallon – over traditional diesel powered trucks.

The company has entered into a first-call agreement with XTO Energy, a wholly owned subsidiary of Exxon Mobile. XTO manages more than 3,500 gas wells spread over 290,000 acres in the Freestone Trend area in Central North East Texas. The Freestone Trend generates more than 50,000bbls of salt water per day.

“We are excited to partner with Texas-based companies in building our LNG-powered vehicles,” said Roger Nevill, president and chief operating officer for Green Energy Oilfield Services. “In utilising LNG, a cleaner alternative fuel, we drastically reduce emissions and help decrease dependency on foreign energy products.”

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