Quinbrook is working on power supplies with the Central Queensland Hydrogen Project
Quinbrook is working on power supplies with the Central Queensland Hydrogen Project

Green iron project launched in Queensland


A ‘green iron’ project which would use hydrogen produced by the Central Queensland Hydrogen Project (CQ-H2) has been launched in Gladstone, Queensland.

Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners has secured exclusive rights over land adjacent to CQ-H2 and engaged in joint venture discussions with Stanwell Corporation on both hydrogen supply and the delivery of firm renewable power to support CQ-H2.

Power needs are likely to be considerable if the $3.5bn project at the Eulogie resource, 70km west of Gladstone, which is estimated to contain 465 million tonnes of ore, takes off. Multiple export opportunities for the ore concentrate and green iron are available, using existing rail infrastructure to Gladstone Port.

Quinbrook has partnered with Central Queensland Metals which holds the exploration permits for what is the largest known magnetite deposit in Queensland.

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