Productos del Aire de Guatemala, Grupo Infra’s and Grupo Fabrigas’ joint venture operation in the Central America country, has announced a successful first semester of operation of its new air separation unit (ASU).
The plant, designed and built by Cosmodyne, is supplying liquid oxygen, nitrogen and high purity argon to meet the fast growing market demand of Central America.
The Poplar-12 ASU plant was commissioned last August, and produces 200 tpd of liquids. The specified power is comparable to larger plants, and taking into account that it is being supplied by its own hydroelectric power, is providing a cost-efficient operation that allows the group to offer competitive prices for countries like Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Salvador, Belize, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Colombia.
Additionally, the ASU is capable of producing 7 TMD of argon with less than 1 PPM of oxygen in argon product to meet the special market requirements for high purity argon.
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