This year's trade fair seeks to 'energise a sustainable industry'
This year's trade fair seeks to 'energise a sustainable industry'

Hannover Messe focuses on industrial transformation


The Hannover Messe 2024 trade fair is underway, uniting mechanical and electrical engineering and digital industries under its ‘industrial transformation’ lead theme (April 22-26).

This year’s exhibition is also designed around ‘energising a sustainable industry’. Key topics include Industry 4.0/Manufacturing-X, Energy for Industry, Digitization/Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Carbon-neutral Production, and Hydrogen and Fuel Cells.

Tomorrow (April 23) sees the fifth edition of the Lightweighting Summit, organised by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

This year’s congress focuses on the topic of lightweight construction as a transformation technology for the resource transition, and will highlight the key role of lightweight construction concepts in the transition to a resource-efficient economy.

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