
Hot topic – Exciting times for emerging markets


Recent market research has predicted that the industrial gases sector will see year on year growth of 8%, with the most exciting activity occurring in emerging markets.

As we bid farewell to 2010, gasworld looks towards 2011 and beyond, turning a critical eye on the predictions and putting the analysts on the other side of the looking glass.

Just this season, The Freedonia Group published a market research report that anticipated steady annual growth for the industrial gases sector as a whole. While the news was welcomed worldwide, gasworld opted to delve deeper, seeking insider advice to substantiate the optimism before opening the bubbly.

Good news for industrial gases
The report, dubbed ‘World Industrial Gases’, offers a promising outlook. In particular the business research company predicted an annual increase of 5% in volumetric consumption and an 8% increase in overall sector value, leading to a respective $52bn and 530bn cubic metres by 2014.

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