
Hydrogen and fuel cell showcase in Birmingham next week


An event not only aiming to bring together the hydrogen (H2) and fuel cell community but also to increase the knowledge and understanding of a wider audience on how this technology will fit into the future energy mix will take place in Birmingham next week.

Speakers at the event, called the Midlands Showcase Part Two, include Director or Element Energy, Ben Madden, ITM Power’s CEO, Dr Graham Cooley, and Climate Change Solutions Project Director, Jacqui Staunton.

Speaking about the event, organised by Climate Change Solutions, Staunton said, “We all recognise the importance of reducing air pollution, which currently causes 40,000 premature deaths each year in the UK. We are delighted to be organising an event which demonstrates the role this clean technology can play – the only emissions being water vapour.” 

Dr Graham Cooley added, “Air quality in cities has become a critical issue in the UK and around the world. Air pollution levels have reached ‘very high’ or ‘high’ in eight regions across the UK and London. Transportation contributes a large percentage of air pollution and ITM Power are rolling out H2 refuelling stations to support the deployment of fuel cell electric vehicles and H2 buses. The Birmingham bus programme is a key step in the development of H2 refuelling in the UK and we are delighted to be providing the electrolysis refuelling station.”

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