Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be used as a treatment and promote recovery
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be used as a treatment and promote recovery

In sickness and in health: the growing appeal of HBOT


Whether it’s tackling long COVID, treating patients with traumatic brain injuries, or providing superior athletes with that extra 1% in performance levels, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is increasingly broadening its appeal.

HBOT is a treatment which significantly increases the amount of oxygen available to the body’s tissues, thereby creating an environment that is more conducive to healing certain conditions.

HBOT works by significantly increasing the oxygen levels in the blood and tissues, usually between 1.5-3 times the normal atmospheric pressure, usually in a singular or multiplace chamber. Some tubes are made of clear acrylic, allowing patients to see outside, which helps reduce anxiety and claustrophobia.

The first chamber is believed to date back to 1662, and it became popular with US military divers addressing decompression (‘the bends’) in the 1940s, and treating carbon monoxide poisoning in the 1960s.

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