After the troubled times for industry brought on by the global recession, China’s Suzhou Jinhong Gas Co. Ltd has told gasworld that it is seeing strong signs of resilience in the face of the crisis.
It’s widely accepted that the global economy is now in a period of recovery, however meek or marginal, and many of the major Tier 1 players in the gases business have just recently declared a sustained return to growth in the first six months of 2010.
Consistent with this, and aligned with the burgeoning growth forecasts for the China market, Jinhong Gas is seeing signs of healthy growth in its domestic gases industry, spurred on by demand in the new energy and clean energy markets. This is balanced by a falling appetite for gases to the manufacturing industries, for example.
Yet it’s the robust medical and healthcare sectors, coupled with the new energy markets, which have both sustained and driven demand and cause room for optimism at Jinhong Gas – one of the largest local gas companies in the East China region.
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