
Maiden cargo delivered to India’s Chhara LNG terminal


The first cargo of liquefied natural gas (LNG) has been delivered to Hindustan Petroleum’s Chhara import terminal in Gujarat, according to shipping data analysed by LNG Prime.

The 159,800 cubic metres (cbm) Maran Gas Mystras vessel arrived at Chhara on April 11th, revealed data from Vessel Finder.

Located on the south coast of Gujarat State, the five million tonnes per annum (mtpa) terminal spans around 138 acres and was built by HPCL LNG.

Initially established as HPCL Shapoorj Energy Private Limited (HSEPL) through a 50:50 partnership between HPCL and SP Ports Private Limited (SPPPL) in 2013, the firm underwent a major transition in March 2021 when HPCL acquire SPPPL’s entire stake.

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