A Phase 1 detailed plan will take 12-18 months
A Phase 1 detailed plan will take 12-18 months

Pink and green hydrogen key to MACH2 hub


Green and pink hydrogen will be integral to the success of the MACH2 hydrogen hub, delegates attending the North American Hydrogen Summit 2024 heard today.

Delivering the Opening Keynote, Matt Krayton, Communications Lead at the Mid-Atlantic Clean Hydrogen Hub – one of seven hydrogen hubs being developed across the US – said its goal is to use energy solutions that reduce up to 25 million Metric Tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and criteria pollutants per year.

The fossil fuel-free hub, set to receive $750m funding, plans to use energy produced by wind, solar and nuclear.

More than three-quarters (77-82%) will be allocated to green hydrogen, with the balance being pink (nuclear, 15-20%) – both powering electrolysers – and one proposed orange hydrogen project with methane emissions currently being flared from the City of Philadelphia wastewater treatment facility (3%).

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