
Pioneering energy deal oversees largest ever ship-to-ship Bio-LNG bunkering


STX Group and Titan Clean Fuels (Titan) have completed a major milestone in sustainable shipping having completed the largest ever ship-to-ship bunkering operation for Bio-liquefied natural gas (Bio-LNG).

The partners delivered 2,200 metric tonnes of Bio-LNG to a Hapag-Lloyd container vessel in Rotterdam, marking Hapag-Lloyd’s first time using Bio-LNG has an eco-friendly shipping fuel.

The project is the result of a collaboration between STX Group and Titan, who have been working together to liquefy, store and transport mass-balanced biomethane in Zeebrugge, Belgium.

According to Jan Christensen, Senior Director Fuel Purchasing at Hapag-Lloyd, the deal proves that bunkering large quantities of Bio-LNG is both possible and scalable.

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