When it comes to the Hot Topic’s of the moment in world affairs, one can hardly escape the chaos and carnage caused by the BP oil spill crisis. And this is a subject that appears to be generating a lot of interest for the industrial gas community too.
With the spill in the Gulf of Mexico reportedly costing BP up to $2.65bn so far, not to mention the unquantifiable environmental cost, there’s plenty of questions being asked right now. Undoubtedly the biggest question still remains unanswered – how do we stop the spill?
Conjecture continues as to whether this is a question to be answered by the industrial gas community, such is the portfolio of provisions that industrial gas & equipment is able to apply across almost every walk of life. So is industrial gas the answer? Or is this a solution too far for our industry?
The crisis
According to reports in the mainstream media, and BBC news for example, BP has said that the cost of cleaning up the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico has now reached $3.12bn*.
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