Credit: INEOS Energy
Credit: INEOS Energy

Project Greensand heralds CCS breakthrough


Project Greensand has heralded a breakthrough in carbon capture and storage (CCS) after injecting carbon dioxide (CO2) from Belgium into a depleted oil field in the Danish North Sea.

The First Carbon Storage event was held in Esbjerg, Denmark today and hosted by INEOS and Wintershall Dea, lead partners in the Project Greensand consortium.

Today demonstrated, for the first time, the feasibility of CO2 storage at an INEOS Oxide site in Belgium, to being transported cross-border and finally safely and permanently stored in the INEOS-operated Nini field in the Danish North Sea. By 2030, the project aims to store up to 8m tonnes of CO2 per year.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission said, “This is a big moment for Europe’s green transition, and for our clean tech industry. The first ever full value chain, for carbon capture and storage in Europe. You are showing that it can be done. That we can grow our industry through innovation and competition, and at the same time, remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere, through ingenuity and cooperation.”

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