© Valeriya Zankovych / Shutterstock.com
© Valeriya Zankovych / Shutterstock.com

Samsung Electronics appoints new head of semiconductor business


Samsung Electronics has announced Young Hyun Jun as its new Head of Device Solutions (DS) division to lead the company’s semiconductor business.

Confirmed by the South Korea-based electronics firm today (21st May), the appointment will see Jun head many of Samsung’s mega projects. These include the recently announced $18bn investment to build two new fabs at its Texas campus.

With the addition of investment through the CHIPS and Science Act, Samsung is also expected to invest a further $40bn+ in the US in the coming years, making it one of the largest foreign direct investments for a greenfield project in US history.

Read more: Samsung to invest over $40bn in Texas semiconductor projects, bolstered by Biden’s CHIPS Act

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