
SIAD managing BOG at first Italian LNG facility


The SIAD Group’s engineering company SIAD Macchine Impianti (SIAD MI) is operating a re-liquefaction plant for the boil-off gas (BOG) located at a liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage facility owned by Depositi Italiani GNL – DIG (a joint effort between PIR group, Edison, and Enegas) at the Port of Ravenna, Italy.

The installation included four cryogenic compression packages (BOG compressors) designed for the recovery and re-liquefaction of evaporated natural gas.

Consisting of two atmospheric storage tanks, the new storage facility will see LNG transported by Edison to Ravenna via LNG carrier before being transferred and stored in the tanks. From there, the LNG can either be bunkered or loaded by tankers and distributed at filling stations. 

With the transport sector contributing heavily to harmful emissions, the new facility has the potential to increase the sector’s sustainability with its capacity to store 20,000m3, capable of refuelling up to 12,000 trucks and 48 ferries per year. 

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