Amid a week of seriously ‘cool’ conferences, gasworld gets in cryo-gear and reviews the events ahead of our cryobiology themed September issue.
Today is the final day of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology, which this year has been held in Bristol, United Kingdom. Meanwhile, as this event draws to a close, the International Cryogenic Engineering and Materials Conferences are only getting underway.
Bristol’s conference, dubbed ‘Cryo-2010’, used this year’s annual meeting to focus on environmental and natural systems, applied cryobiology, and contemporary analytical techniques. The Society for Cryobiology welcomed delegates on 17th July and continues to host throughout today until the closing dinner and awards ceremony this evening.
The significance of the conference was perhaps best depicted by its array of sponsors, which included SANYO, Alchimia, CryoLetters, Planer, Cell Cryogenics Ltd, Organ Recovery Systems and Miltenyi Biotec.
Similarly, speakers were equally prestigious. The programme included Lord Selborne, Lloyd Peck from the British Antarctic Survey, Gunther Kletetschka from NASA and Igor Katkov of The United States’ Burnham Institute for Medical Research. In addition numerous global universities contributed to topics such as cryobiology in reproduction; regenerative therapy – impact for cryopreservation; bio-banking and Cryosurgery.
ICEC 23 and ICMC 2010
Yesterday saw the start of the International Cryogenic Engineering Conference 23 and the partnering event, the International Cryogenic Material Conference 2010. Both annual events are being held in Wroclaw, Poland and shall focus on the following topics:
• Medium and large scale refrigeration and liquefaction
• Medium and large cryogenic systems
• Cryogenic tests and test facilities
• Cryogen storage and distribution
• Air and gas separation and purification
• Cryocoolers
• Superfluid helium
• Aerospace cryogenics
• Cryogenic hydrodynamics
• High and low temperature superconductor applications
• Cryogenic instrumentation and process control
• Cryogenics for medicine and biology
• Material and fluid properties
• Heat transfer and thermal insulation
Today’s speakers include a number of Professors who will look at superfluidity and superconductors. The following four days will see a selection of influencial contributors from Dr Philippe Lebrun who will discuss the Large Hadron Collider, to Profesor Aleksander Sieron who shall investigate state of the art cryotherapy. Perhaps the most exciting events in the program are Friday’s Technical Excursions which look to offer hands-on information about liquid helium and modern liquid gas production.
Event organiser, the Wroclaw University of Technology, described the aim of the conferences as, “To bring together everyone from universities and industry, to stimulate the fruitful exchange of information and ideas in cryogenic engineering, to outline actual trends and to discuss present and future developments.”
To find out more about the latest in Cryobiology- be sure not to miss September’s edition.
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