
Turbines, Inc introduces oxygen cleaning for cryo-flow metres


TI recently increased its range by offering oxygen cleaning for flow metres to Compressed Gas Association (CGA) 4.1 2004 standards – and higher upon request.
TI recently introduced a new line of metering equipment specifically designed and manufactured for the cryogenic market. Turbines, Inc. keeps a large inventory of products for immediate shipment in order to reduce customer downtime.
TI, founded in 1975, engineers and manufactures a wide range of mechanical flow metering products used in a variety of commercial applications. These include industrial gases, oil and gas, agriculture, chemical and food processing throughout the US, Canada and overseas.
The firm promises to reduce cost and improve quality by designing and manufacturing all its own products at its facility in Altus, Oklahoma. The firm also recently established Turbines R&D, LLC; an independent fully staffed research and development subsidiary in Seneca, South Carolina.

Turbines, Inc. also boasts ISO 9001 certification for all its equipment. The company became part of the Primary Flow Signal, Inc. (PFS) family of companies in 1998.

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