Biogas power plant in Vinnytsia region, Ukraine
Biogas power plant in Vinnytsia region, Ukraine

Ukraine to open five biomethane plants in 2025


Ukraine aims to open at least five more biomethane plants in 2025 and increase biomethane production capacity to over 100 million cubic metres (cbm) a year.

Last year the country produced its first million cbm of biomethane, according to Georgii Geletukha, Chairman of the board of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine.

In September, the first biomethane plant of the Vitagro group of companies started operating and in November, Gals Agro’s second biomethane plant launched.

Andriy Konechenkov, Chairman of the board of the Ukrainian Wind Energy Association, said, “The sooner we develop our own energy through wind, biogas, solar and storage systems, the sooner we will become more energy independent and energy secure. This is much better than if we go back to importing oil and gas, not to mention nuclear fuel.”

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