SKW Piesteritz will supply Uniper with green or blue ammonia in the ‘medium to long term’
SKW Piesteritz will supply Uniper with green or blue ammonia in the ‘medium to long term’

Uniper and SKW Piesteritz team up on ammonia and hydrogen


Uniper and SKW Piesteritz have signed an MOU covering the mutual supply of sustainable ammonia and other hydrogen derivatives.

SKW Piesteritz will supply Uniper with green or blue ammonia in the ‘medium to long term’ and the two companies will collaborate on imports.

The use of Uniper’s import terminal in Wilhelmshaven will make it easier for SKW Piesteritz to import green ammonia while SKW Piesteritz will provide Uniper with capacities in other European ports via its parent company AGROFERT.

Dr. Reiner Haseloff, State Premier of Saxony-Anhalt, said, “Our government’s aim is to create the right framework for businesses in the state to deliver a sustainable transformation.

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