President Trump announced a National Energy Emergency during his inauguration address
President Trump announced a National Energy Emergency during his inauguration address

US National Energy Emergency prioritises Alaska LNG


Incoming 47th US President Donald Trump announced a National Energy Emergency during his inauguration address.

Sticking to commitments made in the run-up to his Presidency, he said the US has some of the largest oil and gas reserves in the world “and we are going to use it” and reaffirmed it will “export US energy all over the world”, adding that “liquid gold” will help drive its economic growth and reverse “America’s decline”.

Under the list of priorities, the US will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.

“We need a reliable, diversified, and affordable supply of energy to drive our nation’s manufacturing, transportation, agriculture and defense industries,” the National Energy Emergency document states. “Without immediate remedy, this situation will dramatically deteriorate for energy and natural resources to power the next generation of technology.” Key orders include accelerating drilling in Alaska and stopping leases on windfarms.

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