
The Rhineland to get two new hydrogen stations next year


Contracts have been signed for the construction of two new hydrogen (H2) refuelling stations in the Rhineland, Germany.

The stations will be developed for Regionalverkehr Köln GmbH (RVK) in 2019. One on its premises in the Rhine-Sieg district (Meckenheim) and one in the Rhine-Bergisch district (Wermelskirchen).

A consortium of partners comprising Linde, Framatome, EMS and the Forschungszentrum Jülich is responsible for their construction and evaluation. Each facility can supply up to 20 environmentally-friendly H2 buses with a total of 500kg of H2 on a daily basis.

The project will be funded under the BIC H2 heading (Buses, Infrastructure, Cologne region) by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) through the NIP 2 programme.

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