
Tiger Optics expands worldwide distribution


Tiger Optics, LLC, a manufacturer of gas analysers, has extended its worldwide network with the addition of eight distributors across Europe and the United States.
In response to rising demand, Tiger Optics, recently announced new partnerships with eight distributors in Europe and the United States. The additional networks will facilitate sales and support of the company’s laser-based trace gas analysers. Tiger Optics is hopeful that the expansion will significantly aid the manufacturer’s global reach and enhance its ability to serve customers.
Lisa Bergson, Founder and CE for the Firm, noted, “Our newest distributors deliver solutions for critical applications ranging from industrial process control to ambient molecular contamination monitoring.”
Bergson added, “By partnering with Bernt Messtechnik GmbH, S.E.C. Scientific Equipment Co. Ltd., A&LCO Industries, APT, SPA, OmniProcess AB, Instrumentación Analítica and Flowmaster, we are well positioned to support our customer’s gas analysis and clean-room monitoring needs.”
Tiger Optics announced its presence in 2001 by releasing the world’s first commercial ‘Continuous Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy’ analyser. The company has expanded so that more than 800 Tiger units are now in use across the world.

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