
MOCON launches first-ever for industry


MOCON, the world’s leading manufacturer of permeation instrumentation, is unveiling the first-ever, fully-automated water vapour transmission rate (WVTR) testing system for packaging and other barrier structures, the PERMATRAN-W® Model 3/34 G.

(WVTR is the steady state rate at which water vapour permeates through a film at specified conditions of temperature and relative humidity.) And the new WVTR testing capability will save significant time and associated costs for food, pharma, beverage, medical device, electronics companies as well as manufacturers of construction products whose objective is to select and qualify optimum barrier materials.

The goal is to meet performance, shelf life and cost parameters for moisture-sensitive products.  The PERMATRAN-W Model 3/34 G is also ideal for converters and resin producers who want to test film materials as well as finished packages.

In automatic mode, The PERMATRAN-W Model 3/34 allows the operator to simply mount a test film, set the temperature/relative humidity conditions and begin the test.  This is made possible by MOCON’s new TotalCal™ capability, which improves accuracy and eliminates significant set up time. TotalCal also reduces time and improves accuracy in the “advanced testing mode” where operators set all testing parameters.

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