

Airgas demonstrates welding commitment

Airgas, along with the City of Philadelphia and School District of Philadelphia, marked the continued partnership between Airgas and A. Philip Randolph Career & Technical High School during a ceremony at the school’s welding workshop.

Airgas to increase argon prices

Airgas has announced that its operating units will increase prices on argon by up to 15%, effective November 1st or as contracts permit. Price adjustments may vary based on specific market conditions or contractual provisions.

Airgas extends Operation Homefront partnership

Airgas has reaffirmed its commitment to Operation Homefront, a San Antonio-based national nonprofit that supports America’s troops by providing emergency assistance and support to the families our troops leave behind when they are deployed and...

Airgas opens new office location

Airgas has announced that it has recently opened a new location in Dickinson, North Dakota, significantly enhancing its local product and service capabilities for customers in the Bakken shale oil region.

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