
Gas Viewpoint News

Video: gasworld Q2 Editor’s Picks 2022

Watch as Global Managing Editor, Rob Cockerill, discusses his top four picks of the first quarter of 2022.

Reflecting on a year of change

Looking back on the last 12 months, we can reflect on a year of challenge and change, and as an industry, say with pride that together we have played a significant role in the national...

Hydrogen: hope or hopium?

On the eve of gasworld’s annual Hydrogen Edition, I thought I’d share some thoughts on a very different kind of challenge we face in the transition to a hydrogen society. A challenge in perception that perhaps...

Video: The ‘economic reset’ caused by Covid

Speaking during gasworld’s Bandwidth in Your Business: Reloaded webinar, Thierry Malleret, Joint Founder and Managing Partner at Monthly Barometer, discusses the economic reset that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused.

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