

Video: “45Q will undoubtably drive up prices even further”

Jeff Holyoak, Vice President, Sales & Market Development, at TOMCO Systems discusses 45Q and gives his take on the statement “45Q will undoubtably drive up prices even further” on gasworld’s, CO2: Utilisation and Innovation, webinar.

Video: What is 45Q?

Jeff Holyoak, Vice President, Sales & Market Development, at TOMCO Systems discusses the latest tax credit on offer in the USA to encourage companies to capture carbon dioxide on gasworld’s, CO2: Utilisation and Innovation, webinar.

Video: Is 45Q a good thing?

Jeff Holyoak, Vice President, Sales & Market Development, at TOMCO Systems discusses the latest tax credit on offer in the USA to encourage companies to capture carbon dioxide and if it is a good thing...

Low-cost, low-carbon hydrogen production

Hydrogen will play an important role in a decarbonised, climate-neutral energy system. Emerging technologies, such as thermolysis of wastes, the use of plasma for methane splitting and in-situ underground gasification of fossil fuel reserves are...

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