
J & E Hall extends range of digital single scroll units


J & E Hall has updated and extended its range of digital single scroll commercial condensing units. The new V3 digital scroll condensing units, aimed at the small cold store, convenience store and restaurant markets, are now offered in four, six and eight horsepower models with improved access and features.

J & E Hall Commercial Products Manager Andy Wells said, “We had some great feedback from customers about the original six horsepower units but recognised we could do more to help the installer. The extended range gives engineers greater choice when deciding on the right unit for the job. By adding two more models we are able to ensure that engineers and customers are maximising energy efficiency.”

Electronic controls optimise the operation of the units by varying the capacity with the digital compressor. Fixed speed compressor units are unable to do this but the digital compressor units allow you to match the duty required by the evaporators.

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